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Why iPhone 16 Won’t Be Available in Indonesia – Here’s Why and What It Means for Users!

Apple enthusiasts are surely eager to welcome the arrival of the iPhone 16. However, to this day, we still can't enjoy this advanced smartphone in Indonesia. What’s really happening behind the scenes? Read this article to find out the answer.
iPhone 16 TKDN
For Apple fans in Indonesia, there’s unfortunate news: the latest iPhone 16 is reportedly not coming to the Indonesian market. This news certainly comes as a shock to the many loyal iPhone users in the country. But what exactly are the reasons behind this decision, and how will it impact users? Let’s dive into the full explanation below!

Key Reasons Why the iPhone 16 Isn’t Coming to Indonesia

  1. Doesn’t Meet Local Content Requirement (TKDN) One primary reason is the local content regulation known as TKDN. Indonesia requires electronic products, including smartphones, to have a minimum of 35% locally sourced components to be sold officially. This regulation aims to boost the local industry and encourage the use of domestic products.Unfortunately, the iPhone 16 reportedly doesn’t meet this TKDN requirement. Apple, known for its stringent quality control and global supply chain, appears to be struggling to adapt its production process to align with Indonesia’s standards.
  2. High Cost of Adaptation To meet TKDN requirements, companies must make certain adjustments, like assembling products locally or using locally sourced components. However, this isn’t easy for a company like Apple with its strict global manufacturing standards. Making such changes would significantly increase production costs, which may not be deemed worthwhile given the market potential in Indonesia.
  3. Strict Technology Product Regulations Aside from TKDN, Indonesia has other stringent regulations concerning the distribution of electronic devices to ensure product quality and safety. Some reports indicate that certain technical specifications of the iPhone 16 may not fully align with the standards imposed in Indonesia. So, even though the demand is strong, Apple has chosen to hold back the iPhone 16 in the Indonesian market until a solution allows them to meet all local requirements.

What This Means for iPhone Users in Indonesia

Apple’s decision not to bring the iPhone 16 to Indonesia will surely disappoint fans who have eagerly awaited the latest release. The impact is quite significant, particularly for users who are always keen to experience Apple’s latest innovations.
  1. Limited Access to Official Support Users who choose to purchase the iPhone 16 through unofficial channels or overseas may face issues with warranties and after-sales service. Apple Indonesia provides official support only for devices legally distributed in the country. This means that, in the case of technical issues, users may need to cover repair costs on their own, which can be expensive.
  2. Fewer Alternatives Even though the iPhone 16 won’t be available, users can still choose previous models like the iPhone 15, which complies with TKDN requirements and is officially sold. However, for some users, missing out on the latest release may feel like a loss, especially with the new features that the iPhone 16 has to offer.
  3. Impact on the Local Tech Industry Although disappointing, the TKDN regulation also brings positive impacts for the local tech industry. This rule encourages more companies to contribute to local product development, which is expected to create job opportunities and reduce dependence on imported products.

What Users Can Do

For those eager to try out the iPhone 16’s features, there are a few options to consider. They could purchase the device through international e-commerce, though this comes with certain risks. Alternatively, users can continue using previous iPhone models that still receive system updates from Apple, or wait until Apple and the Indonesian government find a TKDN solution for future models.


The absence of the iPhone 16 in Indonesia may disappoint some, but it also highlights the importance of regulations that support the local economy. For Apple fans in Indonesia, patience may be necessary until further developments arise. Apple has a large user base in Indonesia, and they’re likely to keep looking for solutions to ensure their latest products can continue to meet local requirements. Hopefully, this information is useful and serves as a helpful reference for those curious about why the iPhone 16 won’t be available in Indonesia.

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