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Student Visa and Stay Permit for Foreign Student in Indonesia

In summary, the process and requirements for foreign students to study in Indonesia involve submitting applications to the chosen institution, obtaining acceptance, applying for a visa and residence permit, and managing a study permit through the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education.
With some of its universities ranked among the top 500 globally by QS World University Ranking, Indonesia has become an attractive destination for foreign students seeking higher education opportunities. If you're a foreigner considering studying in Indonesia, it's essential to understand the process of obtaining a student visa and residence permit.

Student Visa and Stay Permit for Foreign Student in Indonesia

With some of its universities ranked among the top 500 globally by QS World University Ranking, Indonesia has become an attractive destination for foreign students seeking higher education opportunities. If you’re a foreigner considering studying in Indonesia, it’s essential to understand the process of obtaining a student visa and residence permit.

In this article, we’ll provide comprehensive information based on the Regulation of the Ministry of National Education Number 25 Year 2007 and the Circular Letter of the Directorate General of Immigration Number IMI-IZ.01.10-1217 regarding Visa and Stay Permit Requirements for Foreign Students.

Becoming a Foreign Student

To become a student in higher education institutions in Indonesia, foreign citizens must meet certain requirements:

  1. Academic Qualifications: Fulfill the academic requirements for admission to Indonesian higher education institutions.
  2. Financial Support: Have adequate funding to support their studies throughout the duration of their program.
  3. Acceptance: Receive acceptance as a student from the chosen higher education institution.
  4. Study Permit: Obtain a study permit from the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (formerly the Ministry of National Education).
  5. Visa or Stay Permit: Hold a valid visa or stay permit in Indonesia.
  6. Compliance: Abide by Indonesian laws, regulations, and the rules of the selected higher education institution.

Process for Becoming a Foreign Student

The process for becoming a foreign student in Indonesia involves the following steps:

  1. Direct Application: Apply directly to the chosen higher education institution.
  2. Entrance Test: May be required to take an entrance test, depending on the institution’s policies.
  3. Study Permit Application: Apply for a study permit to the Directorate General of Science and Technology Institutions and Higher Education.
  4. Visa Application: If abroad, apply for a visa to the Indonesian Representative Office in their country of residence using the acceptance letter from the Indonesian institution.
  5. Residence Permit Application: If already in Indonesia, apply for a residence permit according to statutory regulations, using the study permit obtained from the Directorate General of Science and Technology and Higher Education Institutions.

Requirements for Limited Stay Permit

To obtain a Limited Stay Permit, the following documents are typically required:

  • Request and Guarantee Letter.
  • Passport or Travel Documents with minimum validity.
  • Recent Passport Photos.
  • Recommendation from the Ministry of Research in Technology and Higher Education.
  • Payment of applicable fees.

In summary, the process and requirements for foreign students to study in Indonesia involve submitting applications to the chosen institution, obtaining acceptance, applying for a visa and residence permit, and managing a study permit through the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education.

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