
What Should Investors Pay Attention To Before Investing In The Company?

Before investing, there are 3 aspects of legality that are seen by investors from a company:

  1. Investors in seeing a company, for example:
    a. The company is already profitable company or not
    b. A company that is already a PT is a suggestion for investors that the company is serious about running its business.
    c. If you do not have a company such as a PT / CV, then you can see whether there is a founders agreement. * The founders agreement was made to bind the parties. Because in investment activities it is not only binding on the business but also binding on the parties therein.
  2. Work Agreement, for example:
    Investors see whether the company already has a work agreement for its workers. The existence of this work agreement shows that a company has a neatly arranged labor organization structure.
  3. Brand / brand, for example:
    a. A brand is a company identity that differentiates products / services from one another
    b. With a brand that has signedup.php, it avoids the risk of the brand being taken over by another person or company at a later date.
  4. Legal Due diligent *, or due diligence check. This aims to check what agreements the company has made before. (For example, whether or not the company has had debts or loans with third parties, or other agreements).
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Updated on 25/11/2020

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