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Family KITAS: Requirements, Benefits, and Application Process

Family KITAS, or the Limited Stay Permit in Indonesia for families, provides holders with extended rights within the country and enables them to enter and exit Indonesia freely. However, not everyone qualifies for a KITAS, leading many expatriates to continue living in Bali on tourist visas.
Family KITAS, or the Limited Stay Permit in Indonesia for families, provides holders with extended rights within the country and enables them to enter and exit Indonesia freely. However, not everyone qualifies for a KITAS, leading many expatriates to continue living in Bali on tourist visas.

Family KITAS: Requirements, Benefits, and Application Process

Family KITAS, or the Limited Stay Permit in Indonesia for families, provides holders with extended rights within the country and enables them to enter and exit Indonesia freely. However, not everyone qualifies for a KITAS, leading many expatriates to continue living in Bali on tourist visas.

To obtain a family KITAS, your spouse must hold a working or investment KITAS with index 312 or be an Indonesian citizen. This sponsorship by your spouse allows you and your children to reunite with family in Indonesia.

The benefits of a KITAS include multiple entries and exits from Indonesia, prolonged stays, eligibility for Indonesian driver’s licenses, and the ability to open bank accounts, apply for loans or credit cards, and engage in various financial transactions. Additionally, KITAS holders enjoy discounts at tourist attractions, sports centers, and medical facilities, and can obtain an Indonesian identity card valid for up to five years. Moreover, after three years of official marriage, there’s the possibility of obtaining a Permanent Stay Permit (KITAP).

A family KITAS is valid for one year, with the option to renew annually for up to five years if married to an Indonesian citizen. If your spouse also holds a KITAS, the validity period of your permit will align with theirs.

KITAP, or the Permanent Residency Permit, can be obtained after the five-year validity of the family KITAS, subject to specific conditions. For instance, if your spouse is Indonesian, you can apply for a KITAP three years after marriage.

You can apply for a KITAS either at the Indonesian embassy in any country or within Indonesia if you hold a 211 social visa, by converting it to a KITAS. The conversion process requires your Indonesian spouse’s sponsorship and must be initiated at least three months before the social visa expires.

The application process involves obtaining an invitation (Telex) and then an ITAS visa, which grants entry into Indonesia. Finally, upon arrival, you convert the ITAS visa into a KITAS at the immigration office within 30 days.

Extending a family KITAS is possible but must be initiated at least one month before its expiration. However, several circumstances can lead to the invalidation of a KITAS, including prolonged absence from Indonesia, divorce, or the acquisition of Indonesian citizenship.

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