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Differences Between KITAS Work and KITAS Investor

KITAS, or Kartu Izin Tinggal Terbatas, is a crucial limited stay permit in Indonesia that allows foreign nationals to reside and work legally in the country. Among its various types, KITAS Work is specifically designed for foreign employees hired by Indonesian companies, while KITAS Investor caters to foreign investors looking to establish or invest in businesses. Each type has distinct requirements, benefits, and durations, making it essential for individuals to understand their options based on their purposes for staying in Indonesia. Whether you aim to work for a local employer or manage your own investment, navigating the KITAS application process is key to enjoying a successful and compliant stay in this vibrant nation.
Differences Between KITAS Work and KITAS Investor

Overview of KITAS

KITAS, or Kartu Izin Tinggal Terbatas, is a limited stay permit in Indonesia that allows foreign nationals to reside and work legally in the country. Among the various types of KITAS, two prominent categories are KITAS Work and KITAS Investor, each serving distinct purposes and offering different benefits.


Purpose: KITAS Work is designed for foreign employees who are hired by Indonesian companies. This permit allows individuals to work in specific positions within the organization.Key Features:

  • Employment Requirement: Applicants must have a job offer from an Indonesian employer who acts as their sponsor.

  • Duration: Typically issued for one year, with the possibility of renewal.

  • Cost: There are monthly fees associated with this permit, which can add up significantly over time.

  • Job Positions: Suitable for various roles, including managerial and supervisory positions.


  • Legal employment status in Indonesia.

  • Ability to receive a salary and benefits from the employer.

KITAS Investor

Purpose: KITAS Investor is tailored for foreign investors looking to establish or invest in businesses in Indonesia. This permit facilitates their residency while engaging in investment activities.Key Features:

  • Investment Requirement: Investors must demonstrate a minimum investment in an Indonesian company, typically around IDR 10 billion (approximately USD 700,000).

  • Duration: Can be issued for one year (Index C-313) or two years (Index C-314), with extensions available.

  • No Monthly Fees: Unlike KITAS Work, there are no monthly fees for holding a KITAS Investor, making it more cost-effective over time.

  • No Work Permit Needed: Investors do not need to apply for a separate work permit, as they are considered employees of their own investment.


  • Longer validity compared to KITAS Work.

  • Greater flexibility for investors to manage their businesses without incurring additional costs related to work permits.

Key Differences

FeatureKITAS WorkKITAS Investor
PurposeEmployment by an Indonesian companyInvestment in a business
SponsorshipRequires employer sponsorshipRequires proof of investment
DurationTypically 1 year1 or 2 years
Monthly FeesYesNo
Work Permit NeededYesNo


Choosing between KITAS Work and KITAS Investor depends on an individual’s intentions in Indonesia. If the goal is to work for an Indonesian company, then KITAS Work is appropriate. Conversely, if the aim is to invest and manage a business, then KITAS Investor offers more advantages and flexibility. Understanding these differences is crucial for foreign nationals planning their stay in Indonesia.

Still Confused About KITAS?

Feel free to click the button on the right to ask the Documenta team.

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