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Sertifikat Badan Usaha (SBU) merupakan suatu dokumen sertifikat untuk menunjukkan bahwa sebuah perusahaan konstruksi legal dan layak dalam menjalankan usahanya. SBU diterbitkan oleh Badan Sertifikasi Terakreditasi atau LPJK kepada perusahaan yang sudah lulus atau memenuhi sertifikasi. SBU juga dijadikan sebagai tanda bahwa perusahaan bisa melakukan pekerjaannya sesuai dengan Klasifikasi Bidang, Sub Bidang, dan Kualifikasi yang tercantum dalam Sertifikat Badan Usaha.

Sudah Tahu Tentang SBU (SERTIFIKAT BADAN USAHA)? Yuk Simak!

Sertifikat Badan Usaha (SBU) merupakan suatu dokumen sertifikat untuk menunjukkan bahwa sebuah perusahaan konstruksi legal dan layak dalam menjalankan usahanya.
SBU diterbitkan oleh Badan Sertifikasi Terakreditasi atau LPJK kepada perusahaan yang sudah lulus atau memenuhi sertifikasi. SBU juga dijadikan sebagai tanda bahwa perusahaan bisa melakukan pekerjaannya sesuai dengan Klasifikasi Bidang, Sub Bidang, dan Kualifikasi yang tercantum dalam Sertifikat Badan Usaha.

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Mulai dari peringatan tertulis “surat cinta”, kalo peringatan tertulis berkali-kali gak digubris terbitlah sanksi berat lain yaitu : Penghentian/pembekuan sementara kegiatan usaha;sampai Pencabutan perizinan berusaha, meliputi : 1. NIB 2. Sertifikat standar;dan/atau Izin dapat teguran


Pernahkah Anda menerima “surat cinta” dari pemerintah? Bukan surat cinta pada umumnya, melainkan teguran resmi karena telat melaporkan LKPM. Artikel ini akan mengulas tuntas apa itu LKPM, mengapa pelaporannya sangat penting, dan konsekuensi yang harus dihadapi jika Anda mengabaikan kewajiban ini.

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Since the enactment of the Job Creation Law, more entrepreneurs are opting to establish Sole Proprietorship Companies (Individual Companies). According to this law, a Sole Proprietorship Company is a limited liability company founded by a single individual who acts as both the shareholder and Director to meet the requirements as a micro or small business.

What You Need to Know About Individual Companies

Since the enactment of the Job Creation Law, more entrepreneurs are opting to establish Sole Proprietorship Companies (Individual Companies). According to this law, a Sole Proprietorship Company is a limited liability company founded by a single individual who acts as both the shareholder and Director to meet the requirements as a micro or small business.

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In the business realm, a term sheet document plays a crucial role as the foundation of investment agreements between companies and investors. However, understanding the terms used in a term sheet often presents its own challenge. Below are some terms that need to be recognized to understand the important clauses in a term sheet:

Let’s Get to Know the Terms in a Term Sheet

In the business realm, a term sheet document plays a crucial role as the foundation of investment agreements between companies and investors. However, understanding the terms used in a term sheet often presents its own challenge. Below are some terms that need to be recognized to understand the important clauses in a term sheet:

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The NIB registration process is not actually complicated. It involves a series of administrative steps that must be taken by MSME actors. The initial step is to gather important documents, such as business owner identification, company establishment deeds (if applicable), business legality documents, and other supporting documents. Once these documents are prepared, the next step is to submit the registration to the relevant authority, such as the Tax and Company Registration Authority (BPPT) or the local Licensing Agency. After the verification process is completed, MSME actors will be provided with a valid Business Identification Number (NIB), indicating that their business has been officially and legally registered with the government.

Procedure and Benefits of NIB Registration for MSME Owners

The NIB registration process is not actually complicated. It involves a series of administrative steps that must be taken by MSME actors. The initial step is to gather important documents, such as business owner identification, company establishment deeds (if applicable), business legality documents, and other supporting documents. Once these documents are prepared, the next step is to submit the registration to the relevant authority, such as the Tax and Company Registration Authority (BPPT) or the local Licensing Agency. After the verification process is completed, MSME actors will be provided with a valid Business Identification Number (NIB), indicating that their business has been officially and legally registered with the government.

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