
Company Establishment (PT): Start Smart – The Fast Track to Setting Up Your Company

Discover the fast track to establishing a PT (Perseroan Terbatas) in Indonesia. Learn the steps, requirements, and benefits to start your company smartly and legally.
PT Company Establishment

Company Establishment (PT): Start Smart – The Fast Track to Setting Up Your Company

Starting a company is a significant milestone for any entrepreneur. In Indonesia, setting up a Perseroan Terbatas (PT) — a Limited Liability Company — is one of the most popular ways to establish a business. It provides legal protection, facilitates growth, and builds credibility with clients and investors. This article outlines the essential steps, requirements, and benefits of establishing a PT to help you start smart and navigate the process efficiently.

What is a PT?

A PT, or Perseroan Terbatas, is a legal business entity in Indonesia that separates personal assets from the company’s assets. It offers limited liability protection to its shareholders, meaning their financial responsibility is limited to their shares in the company. A PT is the most common structure for businesses aiming to scale or attract investment.

There are two main types of PTs:

  1. PT PMDN (Domestic Investment Company): Owned entirely by Indonesian individuals or entities.
  2. PT PMA (Foreign Investment Company): Involves foreign ownership, subject to specific regulations and restrictions based on Indonesia’s Negative Investment List.

Why Choose a PT?

  1. Limited Liability Shareholders’ personal assets are protected from the company’s liabilities.
  2. Credibility and Trust A PT’s legal structure provides assurance to clients, partners, and investors, enhancing business reputation.
  3. Market Opportunities A PT can bid on larger projects, participate in government tenders, and access broader markets.
  4. Access to Funding A PT structure allows businesses to raise capital by selling shares to investors.

Steps to Establish a PT

1. Prepare the Required Documents

The first step is to gather the necessary documents for your PT establishment. These include:

  • Copies of ID cards (KTP) and Taxpayer Identification Numbers (NPWP) of shareholders and directors.
  • Company’s proposed name.
  • Address of the company’s office.
  • Business field classification (KBLI code).

2. Choose Your Company Name

The company name must meet specific criteria:

  • It should consist of at least three words.
  • It must be unique and not similar to existing registered names.
  • It cannot violate public norms or trademarks.

3. Draft the Articles of Association (AOA)

The AOA outlines the company’s purpose, structure, and operational rules. It must be drafted and notarized by a public notary in Indonesia.

4. Obtain a Deed of Establishment

The notary will issue a Deed of Establishment, which formalizes your company’s creation. This document includes information about shareholders, directors, and the company’s structure.

5. Legalize the Company

Submit the Deed of Establishment to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights for approval. Once approved, your company is officially registered.

6. Obtain a Business Identification Number (NIB)

Through the Online Single Submission (OSS) system, you can obtain your NIB. This serves as your company’s primary identification and registration number, allowing you to:

  • Apply for business licenses.
  • Register for tax purposes.
  • Access social security programs for employees.

7. Apply for Sectoral Licenses

Depending on your business activities, additional licenses may be required. For example:

  • Food and beverage businesses need a PIRT or BPOM certification.
  • Construction companies require a SBU (Business Entity Certificate).

Cost of Setting Up a PT

The cost of establishing a PT varies based on factors such as:

  • Notary fees.
  • Licensing fees.
  • Business location (different regions may have varying requirements).

Typically, the total cost ranges from IDR 5 million to IDR 20 million for a domestic PT. Foreign-owned companies (PT PMA) may incur higher costs due to additional compliance requirements.

Common Challenges and Solutions

1. Understanding Regulations

Navigating Indonesia’s legal and regulatory framework can be daunting. Engaging a consultant or legal advisor can simplify the process.

2. Meeting Capital Requirements

For certain industries, the government imposes minimum capital requirements. Planning your finances and consulting with an advisor can help you comply.

3. Choosing the Right KBLI Code

Selecting the correct KBLI (Indonesia Standard Industrial Classification) code is critical for your business operations. Ensure the code aligns with your intended activities to avoid complications during licensing.

The Benefits of Starting Smart

Starting your PT the right way provides a solid foundation for long-term success. It ensures legal compliance, builds credibility, and positions your business for growth in Indonesia’s competitive market. Moreover, the streamlined OSS system has made the process faster and more accessible, reducing the bureaucratic hurdles traditionally associated with company registration.


Establishing a PT in Indonesia is a strategic move for entrepreneurs looking to formalize their business and tap into broader market opportunities. By understanding the steps, preparing the necessary documents, and complying with regulations, you can set up your company efficiently and focus on growing your business. Starting smart isn’t just about speed — it’s about ensuring that your foundation is built to last.

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