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Have a newly developed construction service? Be careful of getting a bad reputation because of this! SIUJK

SIUJK is a Construction Services Business License obtained after going through a rigorous evaluation process from the government. It aims as a sign of legality and shows the quality, competence, and safety of the construction business. So that it can assure clients that their projects will be managed with the best standards and applicable regulations.
SIUJK is a Construction Services Business License obtained after going through a rigorous evaluation process from the government. It aims as a sign of legality and shows the quality, competence, and safety of the construction business. So that it can assure clients that their projects will be managed with the best standards and applicable regulations.


Every construction service business is required to have an official license granted by the government to run its business. In the competitive world of construction, this SIUJK (Construction Services Business License) is an important first step for newly developing construction businesses!
So, SIUJK is not an ordinary document that becomes a formality of a business, Legalmates! The existence of this license can be a guarantee of the quality and safety of the construction services.

What is SIUJK?
SIUJK is a Construction Services Business License obtained after going through a rigorous evaluation process from the government. Aims as a sign of legality and shows the quality, competence, and safety of the construction business. So that it can assure clients that their projects will be managed with the best standards and applicable regulations.
In addition, SIUJK is also one of the requirements for a company to contribute to the tender process and to reduce income tax costs by as much as 23%. Making this license cannot be done carelessly. There are SIUJK classifications that you must follow based on the field and sub-field of business.

Who is required to have a SIUJK?
SIUJK is not only for large companies, but small companies and individual businesses are also required to have SIUJK to show their commitment to maintaining quality and safety.
It is believed that by holding a SIUJK, businesses can increase consumer confidence by up to 20% so that it can help you in big auction projects, Legalmates!

So what if you don’t have SIUJK?
SIUJK is one of the most crucial things to have because without SIUJK, your business reputation and potential business opportunities can be threatened. This is because most customers want something certain. Customers will prefer a trusted construction company with a business license.
If the requirements that must be met by business actors are not met, then customers and business partners will definitely have doubts and distrust to work together.

The impact of not having a SIUJK
1. Administrative sanctions can be imposed if business actors do not have SIUJK or conduct business without a license, in the form of fines ranging from IDR 50 million to IDR 1 billion.
2. Project termination by the authorities.
3. Bad reputation because it reduces the trust of clients and business partners in the quality and legality of your business.

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